Creative Direction & Writing ✍️

Build Public Renewables Act

I won the biggest Green New Deal in US history

Build Public Renewables Act

Brand + Strategy + Social Media + Earned Media + Press Officer + Event Organizer

Role: All of the above

3,000,000+ impressions
50+ stories placed
3x trending #1 on Twitter
2 politicians elected
1 bill made law

We took a bill that was dismissed as a loony lefty pipe dream and turned it into the biggest Green New Deal victory in US history.

Over the course of three years, I oversaw a team that upended the political status quo through a series of campaigns, each with their own distinct voice and identity. Notable achievements include trending #1 on Twitter twice, forcing the Speaker of the Assembly to call an unprecedented special hearing, electing two climate champions to office, humbling the Governor, and making our bill the law of the land.

You can read about our victory in The Guardian, Grist, Jacobin, The New Republic, and The Nation.

More from The New York Times [1, 2], The New Republic [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], Politico, NEWS10, NY1, AMNY, Salon, and yes, Fox News.